Beach Cleanup Day - Saturday, May 6th

9 a.m. - Bagels, Coffee & O.J. for the early risers 12:30 p.m. - Lunch for all volunteers To all valued HBCA volunteers:
Saturday should be a great make-up day to rake the beach of sea grass & debris. Please bring a rake, gloves, hat and sunscreen.
There will be clear bags & black bags on the picnic bench under the pavilion. Clear bags are for sea grass and can be put in the circle for TOH pickup. The black bags are for heavy items, trash & debris and they can be put in the dumpster.
There is a Casino rental at noon, so we do not expect clean-up of the casino or garage on Saturday as we do not want to interfere with the renters' gathering. The outside of the windows and garage can be taken care of the following week. There may be a small crew working in the Casino basement to replace the columns.
I will be away this weekend, but we appreciate all your help!
Jeff Robinson
Buildings & Grounds Director